Everyone is chasing to be happy almost at any stage of their life. Even if it entails that being a happy person doesn't necessarily mean being happy at all times, happiness is something we desire the most. To some, to be happy is just so natural and easy while there are few that are struggling to achieve this state.
Being rich does not eventually gives you happy, so does it mean happiness has a level? Well, regardless of anything we have few indicators below that can attest if you are happy or not in your life.
1. You Enjoy The Lifestyle You Make
The choices you and I made in our life makes us what we are in our present situation. We did different things that make us today. We are living in a life we created for yourself and if all is done with love and good intention, certainly you are a happy person.
To sum it up, happiness is having a peace of mind and contentment of what you have. It is a sense of fulfillment that even life is complicated for everyone and to you, yet you handle life on a daily basis and at the end of the day you sleep peacefully, then that's the serene of being in a happy state.
2. You Handle Setbacks Between Your Mind And Your Feelings
Not on every situation your mind and your emotion would tell you to do the same thing. It won't every time tells you to do one decision. Sometimes we caught yourself having a battle of what's in your mind versus that's on your heart nevertheless, to see if you are happy despite coming up to one decision from two conflicting thoughts of hearts and mind is easy. One, if your mind could still understand that you pick what's the best choice at that moment and it won't freeze to proceed to further decision making even if what you've been decided was not its choice. Two, if your heart won't continuously bother or paralyzed on the decision you had even if the choice you pick isn't the one that comes from what's in your heart. This means you can move fast with feelings of disappointment and failure.
3. Your Speak And Living Your TRUTH
Your truth does not mean my truth. We all have different levels of sensitivity on almost aspect of ourselves; feelings, anger, disappointment, and etc. All these are valid no matter how shallow and untrue others may regard.
A happy person won't bog down over others truth. They know they have to stand on their truth and they understand that others may not be holding up to their belief and that's all right. They feel confident over whatever they got in life because it backed with their truth. In short, happy people lives to their truth and not against it. In this way, they feel free and negative emotions won't build up inside them.
4. You Pursue Your Passion
Living a life without so much stress and worries are still possible. That is if you are living an empowered life. However, this could sound far from possibility if you do not follow what you are passionate of--be it a person, thing, or a career. Society has always had its standard and you know you do not have to live up to it to be happy. You will not mind the setbacks, hurdles, and storms that come in your way if you are living with your passion.
5. You Make Your Own Joy
Not all of us has the ability to create your own source of joy, thus not all of us are happy. It is not always guaranteed that one can be happy 24 hours/ 7 days a week but if even in storms and setback you still find joy then you are happy. You know all your effort and sacrifice made even it does not yield the result you wanted is still worth it because it is what you live for. You still feel fulfilled and truly connected.
6. You Know When Help Is Needed
Happy people aren't immune to storms nor hurdles because every now and then we have it. Sometimes, rough and hilly roads are always there coming yet are able to figure out your capacity. You know when you can deal with it and you definitely certain that those are yours to fight. You also know when to seek support from others and your pride won't be hurt to that. This means your confidence won't be affected even if you ask for other's help. You will not feel less worth it and undeserving.
7. You Are Not Guilty Of You Coming First Over Others
A happy person knows the importance of uplifting yourself first and foremost. This is exactly how you can give better to others because you know within yourself that you are already over-flowing it thus, the need to share yourself with others is not impoverishing to you. However, there are few harsh situations we know that we sacrifice things for others even if you know you need it at a moment but you are willing, then you feel fine with it. Impoverishing is total poverty on yourself, where you could not have other resources like courage and strength to get back on the right track, but if you still got those then you are giving something to others at the time then being happy will always come to you like water coming to the ocean.
8. You Truly Accept Who You Are
A happy person feels beautiful no matter how they appear. Others can be rich and a happy person can be poor. Other can be good looking while you can be plain and simple. We all got insecurities yet these all won't affect you as feeling beautiful. Of course, you are not boasting and being arrogant of what you had. You flaunt you despite those imperfections. Being able to sit on what you feel about yourself and coming to a positive approach is the right gate to enter a happy life, flawed and all.
9. You Enjoy What You Are Doing
All works are tiring. There is no job that won't make you feel tired at the end of the day unless you are doing what you love. Enjoying what you are doing is just like a child having a play the whole day. You accept responsibilities with it wholeheartedly and doing your all to be the best no matter what the outcome. Every day you are excited to go to work and you feel light doing it.
10. You Are Not Feeling At Lose
A happy person has the connection and network he/she needs. She won't feel at losing or being alone even if there is no one present with them. People interact every day in all possible means, thus to feel alone is alarming. It could be much alarming if you feel alone despite the presence of the crowd, this highten your system that you are at lost and feeling disconnected. If being alone does not scare you and you are certain that somewhere someone is backing up and supporting you, then you feel happy.
11. You Experience Intimacy
Intimacy is not limited. A light touch of a mother to her baby is intimacy. Small talk to a friend is intimacy. A mere glance is an intimacy. How do you think of intimacy in your life?
For a happy person, intimacy is being connected to your loved ones. Having a happy healthy inter-relationship with people can be challenging. We always strive to be understood and to be at some level which is deep enough to have mutual respect and acceptance. If you will not be overweight of critics and stays calm hearing contempt then you are psychologically and emotionally happy.
12. You Can Separate Your Work And Your Personal Life
Just like how a business runs smoothly, personal expenses should not mingle those with your business. Your business has a different entity so when one collapse you still have the other one. This also applies in your life. You must be able to separate what's ought to be just your work and what's your personal matters.
Whether you are working for yourself or employed, you can set barriers to what is just work and what's personal. This means, even if a person close to you--family member or friends-- did what's ought to be needed to make a work called done you will not feel indifferent about it. We know not all circumstances and situations this can be well-accepted. You can just be happy if when things threaten to affects your personal life, you still got a positive response towards your job and your personal life.
13. You Have Strong Values And You Respect Your Own Personal Time
Having your own personal time could be a real struggle for married people out there--having kids and spouse tagging along. But what means a happy life is when you are able to set your own personal time to nourish and fortify yourself. You keep a record of what is important and make a priority of it rather than compromising it. A happy you can only happen if you are undivided within yourself.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
13 Indicators That You Are Happy
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