6 Mistakes You MUST Refrain Doing If You Want To Blog - Yosek Daily


Saturday, April 6, 2019

6 Mistakes You MUST Refrain Doing If You Want To Blog

With too many platforms where you can easily have a blog without so much need for technical skills, blogging is becoming a passion that can be rewarding or frustrating. I think everyone would agree if I say it isn't for everyone though you really can blog.


As someone who want to venture out into blogging, you think, will my time be worth it?

I don't have a topic I'm so passionate to talk to, perhaps it is not for me. I see which area I should focus, I will research first.

Did I just say what is running into your head when the passion of having a blog calling you? It is a fact that there are so many blogs getting thousands and millions of traffic from the audience all over the world and get revenue from it, but it is also a fact that some blogs that didn't make any income at all...this due to some mistakes, as we bloggers are humans, prone to committing those.

Now that you've hopped into this article, we hope you will minimize such mistakes when creating a blog. So, let us first with what we had discovered after years and years of blogging. This advice if you want to turn your hobby into a rewarding one that allows you to have a lifestyle you deserve.

1. Creating Your Blog In Free Platform Like Blogger

We do not say that blogging on blogger/Blogspot is entirely a mistake for a blogger. It all depends on your monetary situations. The best time to start a blog is TODAY! There is no need for a delay to that, so if you think your financial situations hinders that then you can use Blogger/Blogspot. It is owned by Google and it is the free platform where you can add Adsense, but on the flip side, you have to take the consequences of the after-effect. People do not really take seriously those blogs from a free platform.

People who use the internet are more likely to inclined, convinced, or pay attention to a site that has its own domain or hosting rather than to view a site/blog on a platform like Blogger, or Medium. To this, you know that you had to double your job to get the attention to make your audience stick to checking/reading your post and coming back.

2. Posting Inconsistently

One of the worst thing that a blogger can do is to write content irregularly. As a ready, if I found a good read blog somewhere on the internet, I would like to go back and read again some new post from it after a few days or weeks. A blogger can't retain old reader if they could not read something interesting and fresh articles from the site. This will lessen or lose the traffic that starts to flock to your site.

3. You Do Not Blog For Good Reason

Once you start blogging, it is your responsibility to know into yourself and to realized it all along that this is what is the right thing you need to do. This is what you are called for, to share your ideas or passion to the world. This is not something you can do once in a while, but it is something you have to comply religiously. You have to ensure that you allocate time you be working on your blog content.

Another thing, you must not solely focus on ripping a reward from your blog. You must understand that everything in this world is like a BUSINESS. As a blogger, you must also have the entrepreneurial spirit in the right way. What I mean to say, you must understand that in order to get something, you must render service to others. Business is not solely about getting profit, but providing or answering the need of the people and since you are offering your blog, you must provide substantial information from which your audience can learn from it or it solves a problem on their part. That is why in every blog article you post you should make sure you answer the WH-questions!

4. Not Writing Catchy Headlines Or Overdoing It

Anything that is excess is not right. Have you seen many article titles shared on post that are too good to be true/too catchy? These aren't the right way to get the attention of the people. You are dropping bait for them to click the link and go to your site, but you did not know that you are in a way spreading fake articles/news!

Yes, you are. You are doing it. You got the intention to deceive the people with your post title. It is business you say, but on the other hand, if a person will just look into the title and could not read the whole content of the blog article, they summed up something different based on the blog or article title. I tell you, anything like this won't work in the long run without getting bitten back. Watch out! Don't be naive that bad things won't find its way on your work as these type of things usually gets back to its dropper.

5. Not Promoting Your Blog On All Social Platforms

Sometimes, we have seen that bloggers do not have skills in marketing. Yes, they can write good content for their website, but their work on promoting needs help. If you have all by yourself to do it, it could be a lot of work. Those who can afford, they can hire people to work on sharing and spreading about the blog or the content of the site. They even spend on ads just to reach a wider audience, which is just the RIGHT thing to do.

Some people say, why have to pay for the advertisement when there is a free way? Yes, there is but if you need faster result you must pay for the advertisement. It isn't an early stage of internet marketing where you can easily sprout and get people to read your post or go to your site. Competitions coming from old websites, more having a better authority on traffic could get into a year-old blog, how much be that impact of that to your blog which could be weeks old? Nah, I'm not saying that free traffic won't get you success. It can, but it takes time.

A good strategy is to stabilize your internet presence beforehand. You must have a group or page that has good traffic to share a blog post. Though this too, sometimes if wanting fast traffic result could also use advertisement.

6. Persistent Investment On Blog/Site Is Needed

Work and resources are not just for once to be poured on your site. You need to deliver good content regularly, so you might be hiring some help with that. You pay or you work on writing, investing time to sit on your computer and wrap those words needed to have a nice piece of work. You need to renew your subscription for the domain name of your site as well as its hosting if you are doing it on a self-hosting platform like Wordpress.org. You pay for that. You have to keep ads running, you pay for that.

Once you neglect it for some time, your blog traffic will reduce. You won't stay on the top of the search engine display or your blog won't even get decent traffic. You see the statistic declining instead of increasing. You see, it takes constant work, but it is super nice because blogging is something that has value over time. The longer time you are in it, the better your presence on the virtual world and the more traffic you get, as well as more loyal readers. Now, the decision ball is on your fall. Are you going to blog or not? If you decided to pursue it, then good. We had presented a few mistakes you should refrain from doing and we are wishing you will have a nice site that can channel all the ideas and information you want to share or educate the world with.

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