The Protection For Species Living On Earth - Yosek Daily


Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Protection For Species Living On Earth

It had been a universal truth that the planet Earth in which where we live is not only for humans. The people living within is sharing these wide inhabitants with other species on land, water, and air ranging from mammals to fungus. Thus, the activities of humans interlock with the environment and nature in one way or another and keep the Earth sustain. It is called the biodiversity of life on Earth.

bird, kingfisher, animals

Though we have pressed on the importance of keeping everything on in perfect equilibrium and balance, it might not have sunk more into the comprehension of humankind that the print we had in our nature can be harmful to the other inhabitants of this world, thus endangering their existence so let us start from the most basic of it.
lion, tiger, wildlife

What does it means if species are endangered? Majority of lives comes to extinction especially for those living in the wilds despite and due to the advancement of the man's technology on Earth. Some of the variety already vanished in the surface of the Earth, will it come to the point that even humans become extinct on the surface of the Earth, too since we had known already from the geological history that we had been through that species of some wild animals had become extinct over the time. This might be the natural circumstances that we shall call evolution on the Earth? The geological events, natural or not had the catastrophic effect, the disease the can eliminate lives, the predation, and the natural selection, all these factors can contribute to the fast rate of extinction that in some ways are already evident and visible to even the common person around its environment.

What human does daily in their lives have brought massive destruction, modification, abuse, and exploitation especially with regards to the advancement of commercial, scientific goal and imminent nature of humans to acquire more education. The rate of the damage is never been shrinking back but increasing its speed rather and we are losing our dearest feather-friends and other beautiful wild neighbor species. As already in the research and studies, the UN Programme for Environment have tallied that the Earth is already at its peak when talking about the massive destruction of life, estimated at approximately 250 species vanishing on Earth for the very 24 hours alone. So, how would you likely to feel about that? Who tells these species to get lost from their existence in the world?

lizard, wildlife

For half of the centuries gone, the IUCN Global Species Programme had already been collaborating and joining effort with the IUCN Species Survival Commission in evaluating the preservation stand of the wildlife to aim awareness with the extinction so that we can help in our own little ways for the conservation and protection of our nature. The establishment of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species also made comprehensive number inventory for the species living on the Earth, giving data on taxonomic, conservation, and distribution of species to internationally analyze and evaluate and they have made the categories of species labeled into the following criteria:

EX: this means extinct or no more species remain
EW: it means this type of species survive only in captivity or being taken cared of away from its natural environment
CR: for the severely and critically extinct
EN: the high risk extinct
VU: high risk of vulnerability in extinction
NT: or near threatened, the very closely to endanger in the nearest time
LC: the less concern group, not likely to get extinct
DD: or the data deficient meaning not enough information to evaluate the potential extinction
NT: this type group are those that have never been evaluated

The aim of these list of categories is for the fast indicator of the potential risk for the type of species that people might hunt, abuse or exploit and thus, a very helpful and systematic way of facing the extinction problem.


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